Friday 13 February 2015

'Masterpiece'- Information on the musical periods through an analysis of this piece

Features of the Renaissance Period

  • Mass/Motet + Secular songs
  • Lute songs
  • Modal
  • Polyphonic textures
  • Decorated suspensions

Features of the Baroque Period

  • Fugal
  • Melismatic melodies
  • Beginning of diatonic harmony
  • Imitation
  • Conter-melodies
  • Stretto
  • Augmentation/diminution
  • Pedal notes
  • Decorated suspensions
  • Fanfares
  • Homophonic/polyphonic textures
  • Terraced dynamics

Features of the Classical Period

  • Appoggiatura
  • Alberti bass
  • Regular/periodic phrasing
  • Conjunct/stepwise melodies
  • Melody dominated homophony
  • Chromaticism
  • Contrasts
  • Dotted rhythms
  • Tonality
  • Emergence of rubato
  • Expressive melodies
  • Huge dynamic contrasts
  • Accents

Features of the Romantic Period

  • Cantabile
  • Triplet motion
  • Hemiola effect
  • Greater use of dissonance
  • Waltz emerges

Features of the 20th Century

  • Wagner- 'total art'- very dramatic, huge orchestra
  • Modality returning
  • Impressionism
  • Use of the whole tone scale
  • Parallel harmonies
  • Influence of popular music on Classical music - crossover
  • Experimental electronic music

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