Friday 14 November 2014

Stravinsky-The Rite of Spring Comparison

No one texture lasts more than a few bars, homophony, polyphony, and monophony all used.
Clear melody in Fagotti part, which is then taken over at a different pitch by the Cor Anglais, and then the two have a dialogue with these melodies being elaborated on. Clear countermelodies e.g. in Horn and Clarinet parts
Clear harmonies, due to the simple textures
Lots of triplets, quintuplets etc. Cross rhythms.
Complex polyphony, with only a break during the rests at the end. Also homophony in figure 201, for the chord and also the ascending chromatic scales.
In almost all parts except timpani. Ascending chromatic scale at the end could be seen as a melody.
Unclear, due to the very complex polyphony. Heavily dissonant.
Driving ostinato-like rhythm in almost all parts, and syncopation created by the timpani part in particular.

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