Saturday 6 September 2014

Prokofiev Exam Conditions Analysis

This piece is typical of Prokofiev’s lively-yet-large style, which I have often heard in his bigger works. It uses a full orchestra in order to do this, utilizing instruments at every range to create a full feel for the piece. The piece is in 2/2, meaning that, combined with the lively tempo marking, it moves along quite fast. It is also in a major key (D), so is joyful as well.
The piece begins with all instruments sounding with the tonic chord (bar 1), thus giving a big opening, which gives the audience a sense of how the piece is going to be- a big work. This then continues into a melody that finishes on the tonic an octave above (bar 3), instantly creating a sense of growth and tension building. The timpani and brass here are used only on the two most important chords- the two tonics, thus making them even more important. This opening immediately leads into a flowing violin melody, accompanied only by Violin II and Viola playing repetitive ascending rhythms that build the tension (bars 3-6), until other instruments come in too (bar 7)

Criterion A (Identification of elements) - 4
Criterion B (Structure in the music) - 3
Criterion C (Terminology) - 3
Criterion D (Context) - 2
Total: 12/20

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