Thursday 12 June 2014

Music in China

Some Info:
  • At least 7000 years old
  • European music came into Chinese music at the turn of the 20th century and has remained
  • Important role in ideology and social ethos- believed to enhance one's spiritual enlightenment and help people to eventually arrive at a harmonious world. This belief is called Confucianism.
  • Instruments: 
    • Chordophone- bowed or plucked string instruments, two strings, tuned in fifths: erhu or zhongu - lower pitched
    • Pipa- four stringed lute
    • Sanxian- long necked lute with a small sound box, three strings
    • Yuequin- short necked lute, four strings arranged into two pairs, the pairs are tuned an octave apart from each other and within each pair is a fifth
    • Yangquin- hammered dulcimer
    • And many more...
  • 20th century- Chinese orchestra was developed, modelled on the structure of the Western orchestra.
  • Many regional traditions- this is the foundation of Chinese music. However, it is important to differentiate between regional music, which has been developed, and 'People's music', which is raw and not written down.
  • Music notation (taken from book)
    Chinese orchestra setup (taken from book)

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