Thursday 30 January 2014

Rameau- Zais Overture

This piece is the overture from an opera composed by Rameau, a french Baroque composer, (1683-1764). The piece is in D major and is in 2. It depicts the four elements coming of of "Chaos". The piece begins with just the Tambour playing a rhythm on just one note, C. The Tambour does not move from this note at any point throughout the piece. Soon the bassoons come in as well (0:20) and then the strings, with scalic patterns (0:58). Throughout the piece there are occasional interruptions from the drum (e.g. 0:56). Although the melodies begin quite simply, the piece soon picks up and gains speed (0:58), with the tempo getting faster and also the different parts having more complex rhythms e.g. the violins with their semiquavers. The piece again gets faster ("Plus Anime") (1:39) and arpeggiation becomes very apparent from all the parts playing. Then the piece goes into 3 beats in a bar (2:36). Next the violins have running scalic patterns which turn into sequences. The other violins join in and there is a sort of duet between both parts. Other parts come in and play chords, whilst the second violin parts drops out again. Soon enough we get the parts playing in imitation of one another, with flutes and bassoons imitating the strings (e.g. 3:04). At (3:16), all the parts play one fast, descending scale from F to the F below it, followed by a pause (due to the rests). This brings the section to a sort of cadence point, before the piece continues. Then all the parts play together for the first time, as though the cadence point has brought them all together. They are now a hubbub of motion and vitality. After only a few bars, however, the flutes have a solo, accompanied by chords in the lower parts. Then the flutes switch positions with the violins, so that the violins are playing a solo.

I used
25 mins spent.

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