Monday 7 October 2013

Waltz no.19 in A minor- Chopin

The first page of the piece
  • The piece's contour: 
    • First section: Undulating
    • Second section: Undulating, then an Ascension
  • Range: very broad, from E to the E 3 octaves above it in the melody, and the accompaniment goes down to a low A.
  • Tessitura: It is neither easier nor more difficult to play really high or low on a piano (other than the physical effort of having to move that far), therefore the performer is not "exploited" much. 
  • The scalic pattern in the second section is the loudest part of the piece (forte). This is because it is the main buildup of tension, the "summit" of the piece.
  • Slurs in the piece usually mark out phrases, for example, the crotchet-quavers-crotchet rhythm from bar 1 that keeps returning is slurred, to indicate that it is a small phrase. The bigger phrase goes up to bar 8.
  • The piece is very typical for a waltz, because of the repeated 3-crotchet rhythm, comprised of a single note and then two chords in the accompanying part.

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